M. E. Becker:
"Display Reflectance Measurements Finally Made Simple, Comprehensive and Affordable",
SID 2024 Digest, Paper 74.1, pp. 1007-1010
M. E. Becker:
"Display Reflectance: Clearing the Haze", IDW '22, VHF3-FMC3-3 (invited)
M. E. Becker:
"Visual performance optimization of high-quality display-touchscreen combinations",
electronic displays Conference, Nürnberg, June 2022
M. E. Becker:
"From the PSF to the BSDF ...", 4th Progress meeting of JRP BxDiff - 27.04.2022
M. E. Becker:
"Reflection Measurements in ISO TC159 SC4 WG2 and IEC TC110", SID 2021 Digest, pp. 725-728
M. E. Becker:
"Directional Variations of Specular Reflections from Displays", SID 2021 Digest, pp. 729-732
M. E. Becker:
"10 Years of Sparkle Measurement – The Lessons Learnt", electronic displays Conference 2021
M. E. Becker. J. Neumeier:
"Reproducible characterization of intended and unwanted reflections,
from printed paper to emissive electronic displays", DfwG Annual Meeting, September 16, 2020
download the presentation
M. E. Becker:
"Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOTF), the undervalued display feature", SID 2020 Digest, Paper No. 50.3
M. E. Becker:
"Intended Sparkle vs. Unwanted Sparkle"
The measurement of sparkle and graininess, CIE JTC 12 Workshop - Nov. 5, 2019 - Espoo, Finland
M. E. Becker:
# "Display Metrology: Basics, Framework and Applications, SID 2019, Monday Seminar, Lecture SE-6
M. E. Becker:
"Flicker from Electronic Displays: Reconsidering the Confusion", SID 2019 Digest, Paper No. 50.1
M. E. Becker:
"OLED vs. LC Displays - The Race Toward Rec. 2020 and HDRI", SID 2019 Digest, Paper No. 83.1
M. E. Becker:
# "Display Metrology: Basics, Framework and Applications, SID 2018, Monday Seminar, Lecture SE-9
M. E. Becker:
"Standardization of Sparkle Measurement: A Solid Basis", SID 2018 Digest, Paper No. 8.1
M. E. Becker:
"Flicker from electronic displays and light sources", Proc. electronic displays Conference 2018
M. E. Becker:
# "Display Metrology: Basics and Practical Considerations, SID 2017, Monday Seminar, Lecture M-5
M. E. Becker:
"Display Metrology: Framework and Implementations", SID 2017, ICDM Display Metrology Training Course, Lecture W-2
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier, M. Wolf:
"Spectrometer-Enhanced Imaging Colorimetry, SID 2017 Digest, P84
M. E. Becker, M. Wolf, J. Neumeier:
"Metrological Challenges of Curved Displays", SID 2017 Digest, Paper No. 33.1 (invited)
M. E. Becker:
"Measurement of Visual Resolution of Display Screens", SID 2017 Digest, Paper No. 62.2 (invited),
download the Presentation
M. E. Becker, J. Neuemeir, M. Wolf:
"Optical Metrology for Curved Display Screens", electronic displays Conference 2017
M. E. Becker:
"Sparkle Evaluation with Visual Weighting", SID 2016 Digest, pp. 896-898
M. E. Becker, T. Fink, U. Krüger:
"Image Blurring Induced by Scattering Anti-Glare Layers", SID 2016 Digest, pp. 372-375
M. E. Becker:
"High-Resolution Scatter Analysis of Anti-Glare Layer Reflection", SID 2016 Digest, pp. 368-371
M. E. Becker:
“Recent Advances in Standardization of Display Metrology and Light Measurement”
DIN-Workshop Farbnormung - International and European alignment of standardization;
Potentials and perspectives of standardization in the field of colour;
October 6, 2015 (SKZ) Kunststoff-Zentrum, Würzburg-Germany; download the Presentation
M. E. Becker:
"Display-Metrology: A historical review", invited paper @ Eurodisplay 2015
M. E. Becker:
"Sparkle measurement revisited: A closer look at the details", JSID 23(2015)10, pp. 472-485
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Colorimetric Evaluation of Directional Variations", Eurodisplay 2015
M. E. Becker:
"Recent Advances in Standardization of Display Metrology and Light Measurement", invited paper,
SID 2015 Digest, 716-719
M. E. Becker:
"High-Resolution Scatter Measurement and Evaluation"
Electronic Displays Conference 2015
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"OLED Displays under Ambient Illumination, an Implementation of IEC 62341-6-2"
SID 2014 Digest, 524-527
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
# "Display Measurement: Basics and Practical Considerations"
SID Display Week 2014, Monday Seminar M-9
M. E. Becker:
"Sparkle vs. Speckle - Speckle vs. Sparkle"
Presentation at the SID ICDM Meeting @ SID Display Week 2014 on June 3, 2014
M. E. Becker:
"Sparkle measurement revisited: a closer look at the details"
SID Display Week 2014, Paper 42.2
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
# "Display Measurement: Basics and Practical Considerations"
SID Display Week 2013, Monday Seminar M-16
M. E. Becker:
"Temporal characteristics of electronic display screens"
Electronic Displays Conference 2013, ... Download
H. Wöhler, M. E. Becker:
"Q-Tensor Based Numerical Modeling of Blue-Phase LCDs"
SID'11 International Symposium, Paper 23.2 ... Download
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Optical Characterization of Scattering Anti-Glare Layers"
SID'11 International Symposium, Paper 70.4 ... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Motion-blur evaluation: A comparison of approaches",
Journal of the SID, October 2008, Volume 16, Issue 10, 2008, pp.989-1000
JSID online
M. E. Becker:
"Matte vs. glossy displays: A technical question or just a matter of personal preferences?",
Veritas & Visus, Display Standard, September 2008, Vol3, No6/7 .....Download Article
Complete Newsletter from Veritas&Visus: V&V NewsLetters
M. E. Becker:
"LCD Response Time Evaluation in the Presence of Backlight Modulations",
SID'08 International Symposium, Paper 4.3 ..... Download .... Presentation ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Evaluation of Moving-Line Contrast Degradation without Motion" (Distinguished Paper),
SID'08 International Symposium, Paper 10.1 ..... Download ..... Presentation ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Viewing Angels: a not so rare species… ",
LCD TV Matters, Volume 1, Issue 4, May 2008 .....Download Article
Complete Newsletter from Veritas&Visus: LCD TV Association Newsletter
J. Laur:
"Measuring and Rating Electro-Optical Display Performance"
Information Display Magazine, February 2008, Vol. 24, No.2
Special Issue on Display Metrology ..... Download Article
M. E. Becker:
"Specsmanship: the artistry of sugarcoating performance specifications",
LCD TV Matters, Volume 1, Issue 3, February 2008 .....Download Article
Complete Newsletter from Veritas&Visus: LCD TV Association Newsletter
J. Laur:
"International metrology standards for reflective LCDs"
Veritas et Visus, Display Standard, January 2008, Vol 3 No 2/3 ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Motion Blur Measurement and Evaluation: From Theory to the Laboratory"
SID'07 International Symposium, Paper 26.1 .....Download .....Presentation .....Download
M. E. Becker:
"Facing the issue of specsmanship in display standards"
Veritas et Visus, Display Standard February 2007 ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Display Reflectance: Basics, measurement, and rating"
Journal of the SID, November 2006, Volume 14, Issue 11, pp. 1003-1017
JSID online
M. E. Becker:
"International Display Standards: Agenda for Reduction of Confusion"
presented at the IEC TC110 Flat Panel Display Devices plenary meeting (December 2006) in Otsu, Japan ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"International Display Standards: Status & Agenda"
SID'06 International Symposium, Session 9: Display-Measurement&Standards, Paper 9.1 (invited) ..... Download
M. E. Becker, B. B. Kosmowski:
"Optical metrology for high fidelity LCD-TV", Proc. SPIE 6158(2006)
M. E. Becker:
"Display usability, performance specifications and standards"
Symposium on Display Usability: Modelling, Specification, Measurement & Assessment
NPL Teddington, 7th March, 2006, co-organised by ORM, SID, UKDN, ..... Download
M. E. Becker, U. Kuhlmann:
"Kristallmanufaktur - Schritte auf dem Weg zum sehrichtungsunabhängigen LC-Schirm"
c't 22(2005), p. 126 ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Bewegtbilddarstellung auf LCD-Bildschirmen"
Electronic Displays 2005 Digest, ..... Download the conference paper
Presentation in Wiesbaden, September 28, 2005, ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Metrology Issues for LCD-TV"
EuroDispay 2005 Digest, p. 462-465, ..... Download the conference paper
Revised and extended version, DISPLAYS (Vol 26/4-5, pp. 197-207), October 2005, ..... Download a preprint
M. E. Becker:
"Characterization of inhomogeneous retarders"
SID 2005 Digest, p. 46-49
Revised and extended version, JSID 14,1(2006), pp. 93-99 ..... Download a preprint
M. E. Becker:
"Pixelsalat – von Bildschirmaufloesungen, Zeichengroessen und Lesbarkeit" ..... Download
M. E. Becker, U. Kuhlmann:
"Rasante Zeiten - Techniken zur besseren Bewegtbilddarstellung auf Flachbildschirmen"
c't 9(2005), p. 126 ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Measurement and evaluation of display scattering"
Journal of the SID, 13,1(2005), p. 81-89, ..... Download a preprint
Revised and extended version of the paper presented at the 2004 SID International Symposium held May 25-27, 2004, in Seattle, Washington
M. E. Becker:
"LCD-TV Challenges to Display Metrology"
Asia Display - IMID 2004, Invited Workshop Contribution, Workshop-Digest, p. 3-7
M. E. Becker:
"Standards for Electronic Displays: Status Quo and Agenda"
Asia Display - IMID 2004, Invited Seminar Contribution, FPD-Standardization Special Session,
Special Session Digest, p. 1-55 ..... Download the presentation
M. E. Becker:
"Detailed Numerical Modeling of Complex LCDs"
Asia Display - IMID 2004 Digest, p. 365-368 ..... Downlaod
M. E. Becker, U. Kuhlmann:
"Einstellungssache", c't 13(2004), p. 204 ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Measurement and Evaluation of Display Scattering"
SID 2004 Digest, p. 184, .... Download the paper
M. E. Becker, Hans-Juergen Herrmann:
"Ergonomics of LCD-Monitors: ISO-13406-2 and its practical implications"
Electronic Displays Conference 2003, Wiesbaden, Conference Digest p. 125 - 131 .... Download the presentation
M. E. Becker:
"Reflections on Measurement Methods"
Information Display 2, 2003, p. 14 - 18, ..... Download a preprint
The Xth senate of the German Federal Court has ruled, ... as follows:
"The European Patent EP 0286 529 is ruled to be invalid in the territory of the
Federal Republic of Germany." Pronounced on 29th April 2003.
M. E. Becker:
"Measurement of Display Scattering"
Proceedings of the 22nd IDRC 2002, p. 803, .... Download the paper
M. E. Becker, U. Kuhlmann:
"Spiegelbilder", c't 20(2002), p. 200 ..... Download
M. E. Becker:
"Standards and Metrology for Reflective LCDs"
SID 2002 Digest, p. 136 ..... Download the presentation, ..... Download the paper
M. E. Becker:
"What are the real advantages of OLED-based displays ?"
Displays Europe, May 2002 ..... Download
H. Wöhler, M. E. Becker:
"Numerical Modeling of LCD electro-optical performance"
Invited paper at the XIVth Conference on Liquid Crystals, 2001, Zakopane, Poland
Opto-Electronics Review 10, 1(2002), p. 23-33
M. E. Becker, J. Laur, J. Neumeier:
"Electro-optical Characterization of Reflective LCDs"
SID 2001 Digest, p. 322, .... Download the paper
D. K. G. de Boer, e.a., M. E. Becker, e.a.:
"Optical simulations and measurements of in-plane switching structures with rapid refractive index variations"
SID 2001 Digest, p. 818
J. Laur, J. Neumeier, M. E. Becker:
"Measurement and evaluation of electro-optical characteristics of reflective LCDs: pitfalls and solutions"
Electronic Displays Conference, November 2000, Berlin
M. E. Becker:
"LCD Visual Performance Characterization and Evaluation"
1999 SPIE Flat Panel Display Technology and Display Metrology Conference, San Jose
J. Rink, M. E. Becker, M. Frohna
"Aus der neuen Welt: Fluessigkristall-Bildschirmen unter den Deckel geschaut"
c't 6(1998), p. 230 .....Download
M. E. Becker:
"Evaluation and Characterization of Display Reflectance"
DISPLAYS 19 (1998), p. 35-54 [reprints available on request]
H. Wöhler, M. E. Becker:
"LCD Performance Modelling"
SID 1998, Anaheim, Application Seminar A-2
M. E. Becker:
"Evaluation and Characterization of Display Reflectance"
SID 1997 Digest, p. 827
M. E. Becker:
"Measurement of Tilt-Bias Angle: Performance Evaluation of the Crystal Rotation Method"
Journal of the SID 5/3(1997), p. 283
M. E. Becker, H. Wöhler, M. Kamm, J. Kreis:
"Numerical Modelling of IPS Effects: A New Approach and More Results"
SID 1996, San Diego, p. 596
M. E. Becker:
"Measuring LCD Optical Performance"
SID 1996, San Diego, Application Seminar A-4
M. E. Becker:
"Viewing-cone Analysis of LCDs: a Comparison of Measuring Methods"
SID 1996, San Diego, p. 199
M. E. Becker:
"Measuring LCD Optical Performance"
FPTS Seminar 1995, Tokyo
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Measuring LCD Optical Performance"
SID 1995, Orlando
M. E. Becker:
"A New Method for Computing Director Profiles"
11th International Display Research Conference, Monterey (1994), Conference Proceedings, p. 503
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"How to Measure and Specify LCD Optical Performance"
SID 1994, San Jose
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier, H. Wöhler:
"Numerical Optimization of STN LCDs"
1.) SEMI Taiwan Technical Symposium, September 1993, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2.) SEMI Flat Panel Display Symposium, September 1993, Seoul, Korea
H. Wöhler, M. E. Becker:
"The Optics of Liquid Crystals"
13th International Display Research Conference, Eurodisplay 1993, Strasbourg, France, Seminar Lecture Notes, p. A-1/1-45
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"How to Measure and Specify LCD Optical Performance"
SID 1993
H. Wöhler, M. E. Becker:
"Twist Cell Dynamics: A Novel Numerical Approach"
SID 1993, Seattle, p. 650
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Measuring LCD electro-optical performance"
SID 1992, Boston, Application Notes, p. 50
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier, H. Wöhler:
"Numerical Modeling of AM-LCDs"
SID 1992, Boston, Application Notes, p. 15
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"How to measure and specify LCD optical performance"
SID 1992; Boston, How-to Seminars, p. 19
M. E. Becker, J Neumeier:
"Measurement of electro-optical properties of reflective, positiv contrast LCDs: Problems and Solutions"
Electronic Displays Conference 1991, Karlsruhe, 1991
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Electro-Optical Properties of Reflective Positive-Contrast LCDs: How to Obtain Meaningful Measuring Results"
11th International Display Research Conference 1991, Conference Proceedings, p. 195
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Measurement of electro-optical properties of LCDs"
SID 1990, Conference Proceedings p. 163
M. E. Becker:
"Measuring Techniques for the evaluation of the electro-optic properties of LCDs"
Feinwerktechnik & Messtechnik, 98(1990)6, p. 267
Qualitaet & Zuverlaessigkeit, 35(1990)6, p. 329
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Mesurement des characteristiques electro-optiques des afficheurs a Cristaux Liquides"
VISU '90, Journees Nationales d'Etudes sur les Techniques d'Affichage et de Visualisation, 1990, Grenoble, France
M. E. Becker, J. Neumeier:
"Numerical optimization of STN-Cell performance"
9th International Display Research Conference, Japan Display 1989, Kyoto, Conference Proceedings, p. 294
M. E. Becker:
"DIMOS - a software tool for optimizing display systems with LCDs"
DISPLAYS 10, 4(1989), p. 215
M. E. Becker:
"DIMOS, a software tool for LCD research and development"
6th International Display Research Conference, Japan Display 1986, Tokyo, Conference Proceedings, p. 300
M. E. Becker, R. A. Kilian, B. B. Kosmowski:
"Alignment properties of rubbed polymer surfaces"
10th International Liquid Crystal Conference, York, July 1984
* Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 132(1986), p. 167
M. E. Becker, J. Nehring, T. J. Scheffer:
"Theory of twisted nematic layers with weak boundary coupling"
J. Appl. Phys. 57, 10(1985), p. 4539
M. E. Becker, B. B. Kosmowski:
"Surface-induced bistability in chiral-nematic Liquid-Crystals; effect of Liquid-Crystal and surface parameters"
4th Display Research Conference, 1984, Paris, Conference Proceedings
Proc. SID, 26, 2(1985), p. 109
R. A. Cremers, M. E. Becker, B. B. Kosmowski:
"Optimization of the TN-Display-System for car application by use of colour representation"
SAE Technical Paper Series (1984), Paper Nr. 840145
B. B. Kosmowski, M. E. Becker:
"A novel technique for the accurate determination of average tilt angle in twisted nematic cells"
Displays 5, 2(1984), p. 104
B. B. Kosmowski, M. E. Becker, R. A. Cremers:
"Design considerations for transflective TN-cells"
3rd International Display Research Conference, Japan Display 1983, Kobe, Conference Proceedings, p. 316
B. B. Kosmowski, M. E. Becker, R. A. Cremers:
"Tilt bias angle measurement with improved sensitivity"
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. letters, 72(1981), p. 17
#: presentations are invited 90-minute seminars
© 1998-2024 by Michael E. Becker unless otherwise noted - No reproduction and use without permission